Brentwood, TN

Jason Roberson

Krotz Springs, LA

Mary Beth Henry

Big Spring, TX

Jessica Rivera

Tyler, TX

Pamela Hemphill

El Dorado, AR

Kristy Hayden


Committees are made up of Delek employees in various departments and are the face of the Delek Fund for Hope locally. Currently, there are committees in Brentwood, Krotz Springs, Big Spring, Tyler, El Dorado and Dallas. The role of the committee is to develop and maintain nonprofit partnerships, process grant requests based upon available budget, promote nonprofit events within the community on behalf of the Fund, engage and foster strong relationships with community leaders as well as promoting the Fund and encouraging charitable giving from their peers.

Committees are encouraged to seek opportunities where committee members may support various causes within the community. Runs, walks, volunteerism, etc. are great ways to not only support other organizations but also represent the Fund. With each of these types of events, the opportunity presents itself for the committee to encourage the involvement of their co-workers further promoting a culture of giving and participation.

Employee contributions are an important part of our efforts and a responsibility that falls upon each committee to promote and participate in. Funds raised through local payroll deduction stay local and are the basis for all grants issued in each area where Delek conducts business.